Nintendo 64 / N 64 Roms
The N64 is one of the most controversial consoles ever made. Ok so it’s not as controversial as the Virtual Boy, but there was one simple thing that set it apart: cartridges. “Carts” have many disadvantages. Firstly, they are very expensive to produce (some say almost 25 dollars!) compared to the discs used in the PSX and the ill fated Saturn, which drove away many 3rd party developers. Secondly, they are much smaller than discs, and games cannot span multiple carts which was severely limiting, particularly to RPG makers (though some great RPGs such as Paper Mario were made for it and resident evil 2 was successfully ported over on one of the later more advanced carts). Finally, Audio was tricky to do well (though it was possible to do fantastic audio (i.e. Perfect Dark) and video quality couldn’t compare to the PSX. So why did they use carts? Well, the most obvious advantage is the lack of loading times. This is excellent from an artistic standpoint, particularly for large sprawling games like Legend of Zelda or Super Mario 64 which would be infernally dull if a new loading time was introduced every 5 seconds. Also, extra RAM could be stored in cartridges allowing for more complex games (though the amount of RAM was obviously limited by cost). Lastly, while CDs are very easily damaged and scratched, cartridges can last pretty much forever.
Despite these unbalanced facts, along with a terrible controller (though it was the first successful system to use an analog stick and rumble, which makes emulation unsuitable for many games unless a joystick or joypad is used) the N64 is considered by many to be the best Nintendo system ever made due to it’s massive catalogue of innovative and fun games (in fact it was recently voted the best system period on G4Techtv’s Filter).



N64oid is the very famous Nintendo 64 emulator optimized for Android. It is a port of Mupen64plus, along with Ari64′s ARM dynarec (and gles2N64 as an option).
* Run most games smoothly at a reasonable speed (if not full speed) with sound. This requires you have a high-end device (Nexus-S, Galaxy-S, Xoom, etc).
* Good game compatibility compared to other N64 emulators running on mobile devices. And most likely more issues will be fixed in future updates.
* Save/load game states at ANY points, as well as in-game save support. Save files are fully compatible with Mupen64plus on PC.
* A configurable, translucent on-screen keypad that is very easy to use.
* Key mappings to map game keys to hardware buttons.
* Option to use the G-sensor as the analog stick.
* A variety of settings that you can tune on your needs.
*System requirement*
- Android 2.0 or above
- ARMv7 compatible CPU
- OpenGL-ES 2.0

get it here … 7-1187.rar



The description of MegaN64 (N64 Emulator)
MegaN64 is a very fast N64 emulator. Play your favorite N64 games on your phone!
You need to place your own game files onto the SD card before running this N64 Emulator.
MegaN64 is a modified version of the Open Source project Mupen64+, which is licensed by GNU GPL v3. Modifications include performance enhancements for specific Phone Models such as the Nexus 4 and the Galaxy S4 and small UI improvements.
If you like MegaN64, please donate to the developers of Mupen64+ by purchasing the app here: … upen64plus
